Unlock the Benefits of Good Posture

Posture Hero is a FREE macOS Menu Bar App that reminds you to keep a good posture while you focus on important tasks


How Does It Work

1. Set a Reminder Interval

Select the frequency at which you'll receive posture-enhancing prompts, seamlessly adapting to your daily routine!

2. Start The Timer

With a simple tap, initiate the timer that ensures timely posture reminders !

3. Receive a Reminder

A vocal notification will let you know that you should keep a straight posture!

4. Fix Your Posture

Stay aware of your posture, and it will be fixed in a few weeks !


About Me

Hey there, my name is Khalil, and I'm the creator of Posture Hero. As a Software Engineer, I experienced the discomfort of poor posture, being on my laptop most of the time. I embarked on a journey to find a solution that combines simplicity and effectiveness. Posture Hero was born out of my desire to create an accessible tool that fixes this common problem, without using any complex tools like webcams. Since I've been using Posture Hero on my own, I realized that after a few weeks , I've been able to keep a good posture without any reminder, and I'm sure you can do it too!


Get the app now FOR FREE !
